2014 Jewelry Trends – Geometric and Funky Shapes

Cobblestone Boutique Bracelet FK188
Cobblestone Boutique Bracelet FK188

Geometric shapes and funky shapes are going to be the fad of everyone. The style of having your own style will be embraced in 2014 by having your own shapes, sizes, and different hues of the popular colors; this includes the orderly chevron and also patterns that are so unique they don’t have names. The black and white boutique bracelet to the right has a cobblestone pattern that is pleasing to the eye even though it is not orderly. Several items fit under this category such as funky gemstones, unique abalone, strict chevron, and simple geometric shapes like circles and squares. Finders Keepers Jewelry has a variety of all! The links below will take you to some popular pieces, but there are too many to count.

FK188 FS313A FG375A

Sources: finderskeepersjewelry.netJCK Jennifer Heebner

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